Joc realizat pentru ROG CHALLENGE 2024.

Este anul 2004. Silfedorr este cel mai mare joc MMORPG din lume, insa a inceput sa isi piarda din jucatori. Inainte de Imperiu, Silfedorr era un taram pacifist, o republica pentru jucatori. Acum, Imperiul controleaza totul, iar tu esti singurul care poate sa ii opreasca. Faci parte dintr-o rebeliune care doreste revenirea la distractia de dinainte. Sarcina ta este sa eliberezi 2 locatii de sub influenta Imperiului.

Incadrarea in tema
Tema "Republic of Gamers" m-a facut sa vreau sa fac un joc care se simte de parca are o comunitate. Astfel, am decis sa fac un joc pseudo-online, in care inamicii au aparenta unor jucatori reali dintr-un MMO.


*Inainte de a juca
Este nevoie de hardware acceleration activat pe browser
Da click pe ecran dupa ce ai dat play, deoarece pagina sare cand apesi space daca nu ai dat click inainte.
Daca camera se comporta ciudat, da click.


Tastatura si mouse:

  • W, A, S, D - Miscare
  • Mouse - Camera
  • Click dreapta - Modul de actiune (trebuie sa fie tinut apasat)
    • Click stanga - Atac
    • F - bloc
    • Space - Vorbit in chat
  • ENTER - Fullscreen (Elementele UI se dezorganizeaza deodata ce se iese din Fullscreen, nu am reusit sa rezolv pentru WEB)
  • P - Pauza
  • Sageata sus/jos = schimba viteza camerei


  • Stick-ul stang - Miscare
  • Stick-ul drept - Camera
  • Tragaci stang - Modul de actiune (trebuie sa fie tinut apasat)
    • Tragaciul drept - Atac
    • Bumper-ul drept - bloc
    • A / ❌ - Vorbit in chat
  • START - Fullscreen (Elementele UI se dezorganizeaza deodata ce se iese din Fullscreen, nu am reusit sa rezolv pentru WEB)
  • SELECT - Pauza
  • D-PAD sus/jos = schimba viteza camerei

Mecanicile Jocului

  • Rebeliunea ti-a dat 2 zone pe care sa le eliberezi de Imperiu. Tu trebuie sa elimini pe toti soldatii imperiului.
  • Blocatul atacurilor iti da viata inapoi.
  • Poti sa elimini soldatii atacandu-i, ori poti sa incerci sa ii convingi sa dezerteze folosing butonul de vorbit. Daca reusesti sa convingi un soldat, primesti inapoi 40 de puncte de viata si viata ta maxima creste, ceea ce ar putea fi folositor..... (convinsul are rata de succes de 8.33%)
  • Orice miscare necesita sa fie tinut apasat butonul de actiune.
  • Atacatul, blocatul si vorbitul au toate cooldown (blocatul are cooldown mai scurt).

Asset-uri folosite

In afara de asset-urile mentionate de mai jos, am realizat totul (modelul personajului principal, hartile, texturile, melodia din meniu).


English Description

Game made for ROG CHALLENGE 2024

It's the year 2004. Silfedorr is the biggest MMORPG in the world, but it has started to lose players. Before the Empire, Silfedorr was a peaceful land, a republic for gamers. Now, the Empire controls everything, and you are the only one who can stop them. You are part of a rebellion which wants to bring back the fun. Your task is to liberate 2 locations under Imperial influence.

Fitting into the theme
The theme "Republic of Gamers" made me want to make a game that feels like its has a community. As such, I decided to make a pseudo-online game, in which the enemies seem to be real players in an MMO


*Before playing
You need hardware acceleration turned on
Click on the screen after hitting play, as the page jumps if you press space without clicking the window.
If the camera is acting weird, click.


Keyboard and mouse:

  • W, A, S, D - Movement
  • Mouse - Camera
  • Right Click - Action Mode (needs to be held down)
    • Left Click - Atack
    • F - Block
    • Space - Talk in Chat
  • ENTER - Fullscreen (The UI elements get disorganised once you leave Fullscrenn; I couldn't fix this for the WEB build)
  • P - Pause
  • Arrow Up/Down = Change camera sensitivity


  • Left Stick - Movement
  • Right Stick - Camera
  • Left Trigger / L2 - Modul de actiune (trebuie sa fie tinut apasat)
    • Right Trigger / R2 - Atac
    • Right Bumper / R1 - Block
    • A / ❌ - Talk in Chat
  • START - Fullscreen (The UI elements get disorganised once you leave Fullscrenn; I couldn't fix this for the WEB build)
  • SELECT - Pause
  • D-PAD Up/Down = Change camera sensitivity

Game mechanics

  • The Rebellion has given you 2 zones to liberate from the Empire. You must eliminate every Imperial soldier.
  • Blocking attacks gives you health back.
  • You can eliminate soldiers by attacking them, or by trying to convince them to desert by using the talk button. If you manage to convince a soldier, you get 40 points of health and an increase in your maximum health, which could be useful..... (convincing has an 8.33% success rate)
  • Any kind of move needs the action button held down.
  • Attacking, Blocking and Talking have cooldowns (Blocking has a shorter cooldown).

Assets used

Apart from the assets mentioned below, I made everything (main character's model, maps, textures, main menu song).


Updated 1 minute ago
Published 2 days ago
Made withraylib
Tags3D, Fantasy, My First Game Jam
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Xbox controller

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